Canada needs tobacco-style ban on fossil fuel ads to combat climate change public health crisis

Just as tobacco ads once did, fossil fuel ads obscure the dangers of their products, write Melissa Lem and Leah Temper. The Hill Times photograph by Sam Garcia

The Hill Times

By Melissa Lem & Leah Temper

June 8, 2022

In a heart-warming scene, a family cooks dinner together over a gas stove. They laugh and taste as they relish the joy of togetherness. This scene is an ad designed to convince Canadians to choose gas for their new home. What it doesn’t tell you is that for an hour after cooking, the level of particulates within this kitchen would exceed allowable outdoor air pollution levels. Nor does it tell you that a child living in a home with a gas stove has a risk of developing asthma similar to living with a smoker.

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Doctors’ groups push for truth in advertising when it comes to fossil fuels


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